Wednesday, June 25, 2014

Taking a step at the new.

Sometimes we all have to take steps and try going beyond our comfort zones but with patience and time we can make it past our problems and our troubles and be able to enjoy the new things in life that we either never really had the chance to enjoy or that we were to afraid to try out but with time, patience and a little luck....... and elbow grease things get better.


  1. I agree sometimes we have to leave our little box and see what is out side. It might be scary but you will be stronger for it. to push through the pain allows for growth as a person. That is important for all of us.

  2. This year has truly been a testament of stepping out of my comfort zone and walking out in faith. It has been over 28 years since I seriously attempted to take classes. I have enjoyed all the new things that I am learning.
    Good Luck to you!!
